As I wrote last week, when the Mass is ended, , we are blessed
and sent on mission to take what we have received in Mass out into the world.
There is a term, mostly seen in Orthodox Church literature, which calls this
going forth to share the love celebrated in the Mass as the Aliturgy after the Liturgy.@
The word Aliturgy@ is usually a term that means the
public worship of the Church. It is a word used from New Testament times and
it designated Aa work
done on behalf of the people (the public)@.
In English the word Aservice@ is analogous to the original Greek meaning
of Aliturgy.@
Even today, Church worship is sometimes
called AThe
Thus, the Aliturgy
after the Liturgy@ is the Aservice after the Church Service@ or worship.
In starting this series on the Mass more than a year ago, I
did not expect to write 51 weeks of commentary and explanation on the Mass!
Perhaps I went into too much detail, but I wanted to open up the estimable
treasures found in even the most simple parts of the Mass.
All has meaning and the Mass forms us into the life of
Christ because the entire life of Christ is contained in the Mass. As the Catechism (#1327) states: AIn brief, the Eucharist is the sum and
summary of our faith: >Our
way of thinking is attuned to the Eucharist, and the Eucharist in turn confirms
our way of thinking.=
I began this series noting that there are four basic Amovements@
of the Mass: (1) The Gathering, (2) The Liturgy of the Word, (3) The Liturgy of
the Eucharist, and (4) The Blessing and Dismissal. As a way of summarizing what
we are meant to bring to the world after the Mass is ended, we can refer to these Four dimensions of the Eucharist.
(1) The Gathering. To live a Eucharistic life is to create,
celebrate and build community together. From our human family we are initiated
(baptized) into God=s Family,
the Church which is the Body of Christ Jesus, God=s
Son. A strong Catholic value ids the belief that you cannot have Jesus without
his Body the Church. The Body, this Family, this People gathers on Sunday to
make this reality visible for all to see. Then being sent from the Sunday gathering,
we should work for community and loving relationships wherever God has put us.
(2) The Liturgy of the Word. God has revealed himself to us;
God has spoken to us. This is recorded in the letter to the Hebrews:
AIn times
past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the
in these last days, he spoke to us through a Son, whom he
made heir of all things and through whom he created the universe, who is the
refulgence of his glory, the very imprint of his being,
and who sustains all things by his mighty word.@ (1:1-3)
God speaks to us a Word: his Son, who became human and lived
among us, dying for our sins and rising to a new life, a new creation. Jesus
came among us to initiate the Rule of God=s
Love among us, which is called the Kingdom of God. The deeds and words of Jesus
are recorded in the Scriptures and taught us from the Church=s Tradition. To be a Eucharistic people
we should take God=s Word
into the world and also study the Scriptures and Tradition for our inspiration.
(3) The Liturgy of the Eucharist. As a Eucharistic people we
come to the Liturgy in order to give Thanks, proclaim the Paschal
Mystery of Christ=s Dying
and Rising, and join our gifts and our lives to the One sacrifice of Christ,
for the service of his sacrificial love.
In our service to the world, we bring gratitude, generosity,
a willingness to die to self and rise to the new life of Christ, and serve
others in sacrificial love: in our homes, families, friendships, work, school,
city, world. The Holy Spirit given to us in Baptism and renewed in the
Eucharist helps us live this life of Christ in the Kingdom of God.
(4) Blessing and Dismissal. Finally, given so many
blessings, we are blessed so that we may share God=s
blessings with others. We are sent from the Mass to bring the life of Christ to
Sent forth by God's blessing,
our true faith
The people of God
from his dwelling take leave.
God's sacrifice
O now be extended.
The fruits of this
Mass in all hearts who believe.
The seed of his
teaching our inner souls reaching,
Shall blossom in
action for God and for all.
His grace incite us,
his love shall unite us
To further God's
kingdom and answer his call.
With praise and thanks giving,
to God who is living,
The tasks of our
ev'ryday life we embrace.
Our faith ever
in love ever caring,
We claim as our
neighbour all those of each race.
One bread that has
fed us,
one light that has
led us
Unite us as one in
his life that we share.
Then may all the
living with praise and thanks giving
Give honour to Christ
and his name that we bear.
I hope I have helped some with these reflections to
appreciate the rich treasure given us in the Mass.